Shaped Cinema
The Magic Vase
Mandala République
Flicker Stack Fire (weaving films series)
FILM DE JOUR, 2010-2012, PAL video , 2’30’’, color, with sound
Sculptures at the Bonnefantenmuseum (site-specific film at the Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht)
Three L (weaving films series)
An Interview with Jayson Blaire (in my studio at the Jan van Eyck Academie)
in the 2000s, Jayson Blair, an american journalist was caught lying. He admitted he never went on site to investigate and report facts, instead he would stay at home and makeup stories. Artist Jean-Baptiste Maitre mimics the reporting of this event. the story is told in the artist's studio at the Jan van Eyck Academie Maastricht among the works that he is currently working on. The various works are lit by fluorescent tube lights turning on and off and reacting to the camera's sensors and optics. The work sets in parralel the making of an artist work, their visual mediation and their oral presentation, with the invention of facts found in newspapers.
I took a 1965 video of painter Richard Anuszkiewicz creating an abstract geometric piece and reordered its frames. This turns the video from a simple narrative into a strobing optical effect that targets the viewer's eye rather than their mind.
Site specific film produced in the occasion of the exhibition Post-Sculpture: Bruce MCLean, Jean-Baptiste Maitre, at Galerie 1M3, LAusanne, January 2013
Why Do Things Get In A Muddle